Facebook has removed the king of internet to second position in alexa ranking. Google ranked #1 in alexa for years. But as a birthday gift for Google (14th). Alexa displaces Google from the #1 position.
After going through alexa. there report says facebook will move on to second postion in ranking after months. They also say Google is still the king in there ranking.
Graphical preview of Facebook and Google in years 2011 and 2012
The graph shows how facebook takes on google. till no worries for google. it will makeup as alexa reports. Best wishes for google from the BF Team
After going through alexa. there report says facebook will move on to second postion in ranking after months. They also say Google is still the king in there ranking.
Graphical preview of Facebook and Google in years 2011 and 2012
Graphical Preview of Facebook and Google in years 2011 and 2012 (c) Alexa |